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The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Waxing: What to Expect

 Am in my late 20s, and this is what I keep reminding myself of from time to time. Well time runs so fast, doesn't it?

I have always had yearly goals, but this time I track them more frequently, and in my self-care goals I have added several stuff as part of a self-care routine, visiting the spa quarterly and waxing 

You can also read: Discovering the Art of Relaxation: My First Spa Visit in Dar es Salaam

But am here to talk about waxing, I actually started digging for information about it in my early 20s but never really did it until now. Before getting here I used to visit waxing Instagram pages to check the prices and all the juice. I loved and still love how waxing can make somebody look so clean. They say most people select waxing over shaving because of ingrown hair but personally, I went for it because of how clean am going to look and I started thinking shaving was a bit time-consuming and I always missed some areas.

So here I am, 2 waxing visits later trying to tell you about my experience

How it started

I went around looking for pages that did waxing, checked their prices, and how convenient it was to get there. After weighing so many options, I got a lady (WaxingwithChilly) who had very fair prices and had the flexibility to come to your own place ( transport fee on you ) but due to some reasons, we agreed I should be the one to visit her. She works Fridays to Sundays  So once I was ready I texted her on WhatsApp and we made an appointment.


These prices are the prices of the lady who does my waxing, they will vary depending on whose services you are using.

Underarm Wax: 15,000 TZS (5.88 USD)

Brazilian Wax: 20,000 TZS (7.84 USD)

Arms Wax: 35,000 TZS (13.73 USD)

Legs Wax: 40,000 TZS (15.69 USD)

Both ( Brazilian + Underarm): 30,000 TZS (11.76 USD)

What you need

You need a pair of khanga to cover yourself during the process, and a tweezer for pulling out ingrown hair, which she also sells

Then after the waxing, you need to have a moisturizer and scrub for exfoliating as part of aftercare.

My First Waxing Experience

One Saturday Afternoon I decide to go out of my comfort zone. Got out and went for my first waxing appointment. So this lady is very friendly, clean and professional. We got talking and she made me feel comfortable and my anxiety dropped a bit.

I went for underarm and Brazilian wax, and shockingly I did not feel embarrassed during the Brazilian wax

Here is what you should know about your first wax :

1. It is painful, a bit too painful

2. Underarm waxing is less painful compared to Brazilian

3. When the hair starts growing up again it gets a bit too itchy ( you can calm this by using an ice cube)

4. Moisturize in the mornings

5. Exfoliate after every 2-3 days

6. You could get some ingrown

But well the experience was worth it, I got out of there feeling all clean and confident

Waxing Appointment Number Two

So after the first appointment, you go to the second one after 4-6 weeks; depending on what you agreed on

This time I was less scared as I knew what to expect. It was also less painful and fast, and the rest of the effects were minimal

Looking forward to more appointments and making this a lifestyle!

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