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4 Ways to Embrace Change at Work and in Life


Life is filled with situations that require change, which can be scary even when it's the best way forward. People are frequently stuck in bad habits and toxic relationship cycles, constantly fearful of taking ownership of their lives. Deciding to change your life, however big or small, requires commitment. 

When you move from one situation to the next, you'll hit a transition period and might need coping mechanisms to navigate the murky waters. If you're trapped in a cycle of bad habits and have decided to implement a few life changes, you can't always expect smooth sailing. The rollercoaster that comes with change is your opportunity to turn bad habits into good habits and embrace whatever comes your way. 

The period between jobs, relationships, or moving is the perfect time to form new habits and work towards a version of yourself that you'd like to become

1. Follow the Right Career Path

If you continuously hit roadblocks when it comes to finding a new career, it's time for a change. Perhaps the reason you aren't finding a new 9-to-5 job is that you don't really want to go down that path again, but you're too scared to start your own business.

When you do your research and take it one step at a time, you'll find there are numerous benefits to being your own boss. 

           Flexible scheduling: Work later so you can enjoy time off during the day. Work on the weekends if you need weekdays to run errands. Owning a business is hard work, but your time is your own. 

           Sense of pride: Knowing that you've finally followed your dreams and are doing what you want is satisfying. 

           Greater control: Make your own executive and financial decisions.

There are plenty of online resources to help you start your own business. From business coaching to legal support to filling out forms to start an LLC, you can find help with a quick Google search. You can even use a business registration company to help with the formation process.

2. Change Your Diet and Exercise 

Been trapped in a cycle of eating badly for years and want to change your mindset? If you don't feel you can tackle this on your own, consult a registered dietitian to help you form new eating habits. Design meal plans according to your food preferences. Eventually, this style of living will become a healthy habit. 

Starting a new exercise routine can be daunting. Find something you enjoy and turn it into a sport. Start an obscure sport that you always wanted to try when you were younger or sign up for online fitness classes. If something isn't enjoyable, the likelihood of continuing is slim. 

3. Get Rid of Negative Relationships 

Being in a toxic situation can be draining and stressful. Bad relationships can impact all areas of your life and make you too exhausted to focus on anything else. These situations are hard to walk away from, and you can end up moving from one toxic situation to another. Enlist the help of a therapist to change unhealthy patterns.

4. Turn Bad Habits Into Positive Habits

To do something differently, you need to think differently. When you embrace change, you provide yourself with an opportunity for growth. Don't let your old habits stand in the way of new ideas.

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Image via Pexels

Author: Jeniffer Scott

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