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Working From Home During The Lockdown Season : 7 Tips On How to Make it Work

COVID-19 is getting serious, and one of the safest options is to work from home. I am on the bed right now, it's raining outside, my bed is so comfy, I got several unwatched movies on my laptop, several unread books. All of that is triggers me not to work.

working from home

You probably have the same scenario or a slightly different one. The question is how can you work in such a situation. How do you do that? Because honestly all that is so tempting. So here are some tips to help you work from home effectively and have a productive day.

Working from home.

  • Wake up early

Waking up early is one of the essentials for having a good day. When you start your day earlier you are likely to finish everything on time.

  • Do something to boost your spirits 

For those who workout, then that's the time to do it. And if you are into reading, then a chapter or 2 of your current read would do. You can make a simple facial routine, and you can just use homemade stuff ( coffee scrub and the like )....(for women).

  • Clean up your place and organize everything.

Having an organized place leads to an organized mind they say. Prepare everything you need to get working later on.

  • Take a shower and get comfy

Clean up yourself and put on those comfy PJs. Make sure you smell good as it will make you feel good about yourself which is good for your working mood.

  • Take your breakfast

To become energized get a heavy breakfast and take lots of water to stay hydrated during the day.

  • Schedule your day.
You can also read: How to schedule your day

Write down what you want to do for that day, and keep ticking the tasks as you get them done.

  • Make your working environment comfier.

Have some slow background music and light on some scented candles or light up a good smelling incense.

Get to work and make the most of your day.

Working from home

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