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Hey there ladies and gentlemen.I know the title could intimidate some dudes ..but hey don't take it serious,you will surely learn something here.And my dear ladies whatever is going to happen next is a real gem.I know this was meant to be a secret between us(you know,girl code and stuff).

Actually,there is a book I read like a year ago,and the breaking news is that the book is a relationship book(one among the most sensitive issues in this century). I highly recommend this book to ladies,yes I know curiosity killed the cat,but that shouldn't scare the curious dudes out there,you just go ahead and read it,and see our side of things .It could be of help who knows,because you won't lose a thing,right...

Girls,this book has almost every answer to all the relationship questions in your head.I assure you the book is not boring,plus you will get all the necessary tips you need.Every chapter in this book is interesting.

One of the chapters that caught my attention,is the one with the title above.So am going to share with you,I know they are just myths,but who said myths are not real.

Note :Am going to give the title and author of the book (please get yourself a copy,you won't regret I promise).

Coming back to the main topic...Girls by checking out his shoes,here are some clues whether or not you may want to walk a mile with him.
  • Hiking or construction shoes or Timberlands. He is a hard worker.He probably has some pretty good muscles underneath those jeans and that cotton shirt .He is active and a bit adventurous and will likely a lady to be that way too.
  • He collects sneakers.Not just any sneakers .Ones that will be worth something someday,such as the first Air Jordans .It is a sign that he is into sports and you should expect to make room for his collections once you two start living together.

  •  More sneakers...beat up sneakers .He likes to play ball ,probably with friends.He may also be a little broke,but he also tends to be laid back kind of guy ,so maybe cut him some slack.
  •  Fancy,well polished dress shoes.He is meticulous.He may also have been in the military.He probably actually reads more than the sports page,he knows wines and likes to look good.So be careful he doesn't outshine you when you dress up for a night party.
  • Flip flops. When he is home,he is ready to relax.He is happy doing simple things like popping open a beer and watching sports .He is not intense and he may be a little messy .But he is usually the kind of guy who will do his part to keep a lady happy.
  • Boat shoes or loafers.He may not own a boat ,but these shoes are comfortable to him .He can wear them with jeans and he can wear them to work .He is usually a " don't worry be happy" kinda guy that is easy to please and easy to get along with.Also he tends to be financially secure. 

  • Sandals with socks.He probably has ugly feet ,He is not aggressive and he probably still lives with his mama.

Deal here are the details of the book.
Title:Strong women only intimidate weak men.
Author:Farrah Gray

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