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How to celebrate your little wins- Rewarding yourself for the small steps that you make.


You should work really hard when you still got the energy, while you are still young. " Work like a slave, and live like a king, "they say.

Am writing this while I am so mentally exhausted. My greatest wish right now is to take myself on a vacation in Bali or the Maldives.  But we all know you need to have a good budget set for that. But that shouldn't stop you from rewarding yourself.

We work so hard and forget to reward ourselves for the small achievements we get every day. All the late nights, and the early mornings; working endlessly. Who else is going to congratulate us, if not us. Be your own cheerleader, your number one fan.

If you get that deal you wanted, reward yourself. If you nailed that presentation at work, reward yourself, you got a promotion, reward yourself.

We work so hard and forget to reward ourselves for the small achievements we get every day. All the late nights, and the early mornings; working endlessly. 


The rewards don't really have to be big. You can get yourself a glass of wine, or go for dinner at that restaurant you've always wanted to go to. You can go get a facial, visit a spa or massage parlor. Go shopping. Get something you have always wanted to get just to congratulate yourself. You are the real deal, you did it. Be proud of yourself.

In the past few days, I have had a lot of small achievements. Yes, small but looking back I made a step. I have upgraded. Let me go for a pedicure & manicure for the win.

Most importantly don't forget to save and invest with the little you get.

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