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New Month , New Goals

It's a new month, another month for 2020. As far as I know, most people set yearly goals but not monthly goals.

Monthly Goals

Well, a simple tip, having monthly goals will help you easily achieve your yearly goals.  Here are some few reminders that could help :

  • What you need to do is to break your early goals down and set the sub-goal to be achieved for each month.
  • Write them down, just to keep track.
  • At the end of the month, check your list and tick if you achieved their goals. (self-evaluation)
  • If some goals are not achieved try to reason, and put some measures to solve it.
  • You can move the goals that are not achieved to the next month.
  • Write down the little things you achieved to motivate you.
  • Don't feel bad for any failure, instead learn from what went wrong.
  • If you achieved them or some of them, then congratulate yourself for the achievements; buy yourself something, take yourself out for dinner just for self-motivation.
  • It's never too late to start over again.
  • Small things do matter.

The focus is being a Goal-Digger


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