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Happy April y'all...I am happy to inform you that my read this month is " The 5AM CLUB " (giggles " Robin Sharma.

The 5 AM Club book (and practice) review - Carles Carrera - Medium

And I admit that reading it was hard at the start, and I really don't know whether it was the language used or too much knowledge I got that needed processing. I am still reading it, and for the first few chapters I learnt a lot, what's left is just putting the knowledge into practice.

I highlighted some of the lessons I got in the first few chapters and I thought they were worth sharing.

Life’s too short to play small with your talents
You’ve been built to achieve masterworklevel projects, designed to realize unusually important pursuits and constructed to be a force for good on this tiny planet.
Limitation is nothing more than a mentality that too many good people practice daily until they believe it’s reality. It breaks my heart to see so many potentially powerful human beings stuck in a story about why they can’t be extraordinary, professionally and personally.
I know you’ve had some difficult times in your life. We all have. I get that you might be feeling things haven’t turned out the way you thought they would when you were a little kid, full of fire, desire and wonder. You didn’t plan on each day looking the same, did you? In a job that might be smothering your soul. Dealing with stressful worries and endless responsibilities that stifle your originality and steal your energy
And you’re exactly where you need to be to receive the growth necessary for you to lead the unusually productive, extremely prodigious and exceptionally influential life that you’ve earned through your harshest trials.
The truth is that every challenging event you’ve experienced, each toxic person that you’ve encountered and all the trials you’ve endured have been perfect preparation to make you into the person that you now are. You needed these lessons to activate the treasures, talents and powers that are now awakening within you
Anyway, let me simply say that the place where your greatest discomfort lies is also the spot where your largest opportunity lives.
The moment when you most feel like giving up is the instant when you must find it in you to press ahead.
And when it comes to relationships, I only surround myself with human beings who fuel my joy, stoke my peace and excite me to become a better man. Life’s way too valuable to hang with people who don’t get you. Who you just don’t vibe with. Who have different values and lower standards than you do. Who have different Mindsets, Heartsets, Healthsets and Soulsets
High victory is made in those early morning hours when no one’s watching and while everyone else is sleeping.
Have you read any Robin Sharma's book yet? Tell us about it... 

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